You Are Going To Want This

A white back I posted a most delicious bathroom swathed a glorious rainbow of tiles. Smitten at the sight, many of you asked for the source and I was forced to declare my ignorance. Well as luck would have it, I came across the maker after asking The Queen of Tile herself for some help finding fancy new ceramics for the inlaw's kitchen.  And.... tada!

Thanks to Miss Nelya of the fabulous blog Head Over Heels for pointing me to a post she wrote on Made a Mano, a most amazing purveyor of all things glazed and good.

I am OBSESSED with those white herringbone floors. Texas homes are filled with barfy saltillo and -- even more loathsome -- screenprinted ceramic tiles. I bet the labor to lay those suckers was outrageous, but I say it was worth it. As long as someone else is footing the bill.

Later, gators. Sick cranky kid = no time to type.

Fall Has Fell

Fall has... fallen? Fall fell? Fall has felled all up in this joint? I know you dudes can see past my grammar drama. It's cold outside (below 70!), our yard is blanketed in filthy leaves and acorns, and I have developed a voracious craving for hot chocolate. This weekend I plan to hibernate as much as possible before the onslaught of the holidays... maybe we'll even crank up the fireplace. Pray for us -- it hasn't been turned on in years and our house will most likely explode into a zillion smoking cinders, but it's all good. That's what insurance is for.

Seasonally appropriate image via Head Over Heels.

Have a fabulous weekend!