Fall Has Fell

Fall has... fallen? Fall fell? Fall has felled all up in this joint? I know you dudes can see past my grammar drama. It's cold outside (below 70!), our yard is blanketed in filthy leaves and acorns, and I have developed a voracious craving for hot chocolate. This weekend I plan to hibernate as much as possible before the onslaught of the holidays... maybe we'll even crank up the fireplace. Pray for us -- it hasn't been turned on in years and our house will most likely explode into a zillion smoking cinders, but it's all good. That's what insurance is for.

Seasonally appropriate image via Head Over Heels.

Have a fabulous weekend!

I'm Not Sure About This Cold Weather Crap

After a long Indian summer in Austin, it's finally bleak and dreary outside. I've been waiting for this turn in weather for(almost)ever, but now that it's come I just feel... sleepy. Lethargic. Like crawling back into bed for some sunshine soaked dreams. But alas, alack, anon, that ain't gonna happen. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe I need to embrace the fall that's finally made its way into my little corner of the world.

Isabel Lopez Quesada

Maybe I can embrace the fall and go back to sleep? Because that bedroom could take me there. How about that plaid mixed with suzani? I may be a trifle overcontrolled by marketing forces, but right now I think everything should be swathed in plaid. I don't mean to say that I'm going to morph into an ax wielding lumberjack, but... I might morph into an ax wielding lumberjack.

I promise not to get to hipster douchey about it.