Hey chair, want to get together later?

possible chair makeover

I know I'm probably wearing you down with my Jonathan Adler references, and I promise this is the last one for a while.  However, am currently LOVING the portrait chair in the room shown above.  Now, I'm a pretty good super sleuth so I could probably find the original if I wanted but I'm sure I'd be lead down a trail of tears ending with a god-awful price-tag.  Always the one to save myself the torment and agony inspired by the unattainable, I thought i might just figure out a way to reproduce the sexy little number myself.

So, here's what I'm thinking, I find a basic chair, like the Ikea one listed above (only without the stupid wimpy chrome legs).  Then I can project an image onto the back, draw it out, then threaten Matt with the life of his stupid cat and make him cut it out for me.   A few magical paint by numbers minutes later et voila, le chair.  What do you think?  Am I flying too close to the sun on beautifully lacquered wings of wax?

ps. if anyone wants to send me a gigantic snail pillow for christmas, I'll totally understand