Music's What I Need To Keep My Sanity

A couple of weeks ago, The Hunny plunked down some of his hard earned cash on a stereo. I know I should be more excited about this, but I find myself irritated by the mountains of big black boxes that continue to pile up on the big black box wall. We've got a big black tv, a big black stereo receiver, a big black console over our big black fireplace, all flanked by two big black speakers. It looks like a goth Tetris puzzle. Before I work myself into a tizzy, fretting over how best to conceal all this technology that has colonized my lovely living room, I figure I ought to start putting his new purchase to my good use by loading it up with some awesome new music. Problem is, I'm a little out of the loop.

And so, dear readers, I come to you asking for help. What are you listening to right now? What music really sets your heart on fire? What do I desperately need to add to my collection? I'm pretty open to most genres, as long as the tunes are interesting.

animal collective

Disc art by Animal Collective.