Music to Paint By

Painting is hard work, and you absolutely need the jamz to make it happen. Hatching the plot to paint is really the most fun part of the process, and then when you actually get down and dirty, things start to suck. I'm nothing if not a sharing care bear, so I'm going to hook you up with some of my favorite songs from 2010. Now, these are not the songs I chillax to. These tunes will make you fist pump... maybe even against your will.

#1. Kicktart even your most tedious projects with Riot Rhythm from Sleigh Bells. If you are tired and old and like your music elevator style, then don't even bother because this shit will blow your eardrums out. But if you want to recast the tragedy of junior high with you in the lead role as the coolest, most badass bitch ever to rule school, then click the link. And then kick some ass. Or, you know, maybe roll some paint on a few walls.

#2. Now that your heart is pounding like you just downed a case of red bull, smooth out your paint strokes with Superstar by Ghostface Killah. The latest album from this Wu Tang alum combines classic funk and soul samples with all the street action you've come to know and love from GH. Bitches and hos, take note!

#3. You need to make it down the home stretch, but it's also time to start the cool down routine. Enter Sprawl II from Arcade Fire. Is it a little less spazzy fresh than my other two choices? Hell yes, but its fearless beauty won't let you down. That trim is going to be glossy, perfect, and done in a flash.

Hope you enjoyed today's musical stylings, or at least that your ears still work.

Come back soon to see Ike's big room reveal! It's all done, I'm just waiting for the sun to come out so I can take pictures. Maybe you could suggest some tunes for photographing interior spaces? That would be awesome.

Music's What I Need To Keep My Sanity

A couple of weeks ago, The Hunny plunked down some of his hard earned cash on a stereo. I know I should be more excited about this, but I find myself irritated by the mountains of big black boxes that continue to pile up on the big black box wall. We've got a big black tv, a big black stereo receiver, a big black console over our big black fireplace, all flanked by two big black speakers. It looks like a goth Tetris puzzle. Before I work myself into a tizzy, fretting over how best to conceal all this technology that has colonized my lovely living room, I figure I ought to start putting his new purchase to my good use by loading it up with some awesome new music. Problem is, I'm a little out of the loop.

And so, dear readers, I come to you asking for help. What are you listening to right now? What music really sets your heart on fire? What do I desperately need to add to my collection? I'm pretty open to most genres, as long as the tunes are interesting.

animal collective

Disc art by Animal Collective.