Is This Seat Taken?

After a flurry of frivolous posts, it's time to get back to what we do best sometimes here at Design Crisis: bring you the most exciting happenings in design and home furnishings. And also show you some crazy stuff and things. To wit, I think we've all seen and lusted after this sofa by Lila Jang:

lila jang

Just when the baroque trend started breathing its last gasps of pain and suffering, being as it was in the throes of certain death, this came along with its fresh and weirdness and revived a nostalgic yearning for our baroque buzz. When I saw the amazing work of Sebastian Brajkovic, I suddenly realized that the pump of love for fancy pomp had already been primed, and it has exploded in a gush of oozing adulation for this:

sebastian barjkovic

I imagine that Hunny Bunny and I would sit here, facing each other with domestic bliss brimming from our eyes, cups of tea perched on our laps, "How was your day, darling dearest?" "Oh my day is complete only now that we are together!"

sebastian barjkovic

Together! Our buttocks cushioned by a veritable menagerie of animals, we could feel the earth spinning on an axis of love as we gazed upon the endless movement of a hoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssse. Oh, those Italian futurists, they are so wry! Quelle inspiration!

sebastian barjkovic

Together! Pulling against gravity, our collective weight supported by the strength of beauteous bronze!

And if this were the only creation borne by dear Sebastian, he would still be a godlike hero for eternally uniting me with Hunny Bunny. Alas, alack, anon, Sebastian is a tireless worker for romancephiles everywhere. Share in the love:

sebastian barjkovic

Might there be room for three here...?

sebastian barjkovic

I shall call this one, "Lap Dance."

sebastian barjkovic

And this shall be titled, "Courtship."