Round Top Roundup: Spring 2010

Hot on the heels of SXSW comes another Texas sized festival -- the Round Top antiques fair. Neither Karly nor I were sure we could make it this year, but hooray! Fortune prevailed. On Saturday morning we said good bye to the menfolk (who were not disappointed in the slightest about being left behind), grabbed our pal Diana, gorged ourselves on sugary cream cheese kolaches, and then headed out in search of treasure.

round top antiques fair

After hours and hours of weaving from booth to booth, Karly and I both scored a few items, but nothing big this year. Sadly, Diana went home empty handed, which is oddly easy to do at Round Top. There is so much stuff there that it's easy to get glazed over and just shut down. I'm still mighty tired from all the walking in the heat, so this post is gonna be short on words, but no need to worry: I went a little berzerker with the old point and shoot this year, so it will be crazy long on images. Enjoy!

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

Stuff I almost bought:

round top antiques fair

round top antiques fair

Pair of what look to be Adrian Pearsall for Craft Associates chairs upholstered in houndstooth fabric for $375. Cool, but pricey, and I have no place for them right now.

round top antiques fair

Brass swan faucet that Karly spied for $75, and large painting for $200. I may kick myself for not getting that faucet, but I just don't have a place for it right now, plus it needs refinishing. The painting was done in 1930 and has an awesome old money feel, but it was damaged and the douchey seller wouldn't come down. His loss.

Stuff we bought:

round top antiques fair

Huge revolutionary drummer boy painting for Ike's room for $45. SCORE!

round top antiques fair

Karly got these Seven Deadly Sins dessert plates for practically nothing.

I also bought a big white globe swag lamp for over the kitchen sink, but I forgot to take a picture of it. Hopefully The Hunny can wire it up soon and I'll capture it in situ, along with my "new" shelves that I've been threatening to post for months.

round top antiques fair

Here we are near the end of the day. Karly has on her sessy face, and I look like a kid that got caught playing with daddy's creepy Kaiser hat. We had an awesome time, but I am glad to be at home on the couch, in the air conditioning.

Happy Monday, dudes!