Lust for Light

A few weeks ago I scored this vintage light fixture from the thrift store for a dollar.

entry light

Yes, an dollar. Much as I thought that I admired its elegant simplicity, after DH wired it in for me I realized that what I actually admired was its teensy price tag. Although it's loads better than the hideous faux Tuscan monstrosity that came with the house, I think my rather plain entryway needs more pizazz.

Whilst cruising the web I found this amazing Meri Drum Chandelier from Red, a fab home goods store in Fredericksburg, Texas, just outside of Austin:


It shines! It sparkles! It exudes major sophistication yet still manages to be a smidgen edgy, and I am quite certain it would transform my boring hallway so that all who entered would fall to their knees and bask in its pizazzarific glory!

It costs $2500.

For that kind of cash I could have a car. Or a pony -- which, let me tell you, is what I want. What I really, really want (although the neighbors would KILL me). And I have this pesky mortgage to pay, so what's a girl to do?

Improvise, naturally! The Meri Chandelier is constructed of pierced resin, and it's the light shining through the holes that gives it that necessary element of surprise. I was thinking of buying and rewiring this fiberglass drum shade from Meteor Lights and (artfully) punching 8,000 holes in it to simulate the look for much, much less.

Drum shade

I might even lacquer the outside white and gold leaf the inside for some, you know, extra pizazz.