Horsey Go Bye Bye

It's official, la horse print is sold out forever until the end of time.  Thanks to everyone who bought one, I'm beyond flattered to have my work around the world and in your homes.  Seriously, you're awesome. For those of you who were on the horsey fence but were hoping for a bit more metallic gold, might I remind you that lasers in general is still available

The general is ready to give marching orders HERE.

In other news...

The Oasis has landed.  And yes, it is the beacon of comfort it represents itself to be.  Why, I accidentally fell asleep mere minutes after laying my head on one of it's downy soft pillows last night.  I'm not even kidding.

Styling it is another issue.  I can't seem to find the right combination of pillows and or blankets to casually toss about it's feathery mass as evidenced by the pillow graveyard across the room:

In the photo it looks great without any pillows or blankets, but it person it's a bit too barren.  I'm totally and completely open to suggestion.  In the meantime, it doesn't have to have a single accent upon it to be the perfect spot to nap.

Lasers in General

You dudes may remember that not even an entire month ago I got my act together and finally put my horse print up for sale on etsy.  Well, it was such a darn good time I've gone and done it again.

Lasers in General is my newest piece, printed in (ahem) METALLIC GOLD and black, he's 26" of pure shiny federalist awesomeness.  Limited edition prints are for sale on etsy HERE.  Why do they cost less than the horsey?  Because it's smaller and was much easier and less expensive to print.  Bada bing.

Thank you, Erin, for your lovely photography and styling skillz.  Don't you guys j'adore the eagle lamps with the general print?  Can I get a whatwhat?

CLICK HERE to check out Lasers in General on Etsy

And to grab one of the last horsey prints, CLICK HERE

Design Crisis Writer Finally Gets Act Together

Quite some time ago, way back in the beginning of the year 2009, I made a list of Design Crisis New Year's resolutions.  Some of them worked out (I'm pretty sure I painted a lot of stuff gold last year); some of them are still in the pipeline (where is all that money this blog was supposed to make us?); and some of them are finally being wrapped up today.  Yes, 419 short days after last year's new years resolutions, I'm putting some of my own work up for sale.

photo by our own lovely Erin

You dudes may remember this horse I designed way back when.  Well, I finally screen printed him and I'm trading the prints for cash-dollars.

Fun Facts:

This print is HUGE.  Monster huge.  It took me almost a month to find the 3-foot-square paper it's printed on.  You know what that means?  You can actually have a giant piece of art without paying Michelangelo prices.

Fun Fact 2:  I only printed 30 of these.  7 of them are gone.  math math math... that means there are 23 left.

FF3:  Yes, there was only one picture in today's post, making it relatively short, but the news is huge and that's what matters.

FF4:  You can get your print HERE.

go forth and make momma proud, ya'll.