Benched... in Fantasy Land

Sorry for the light posts -- I had a bit of a medical scare, but everything's a-ok. In the meantime I'm on a short furlough, a bedresty plan of (in)action that involves very little save slacking. Lots of slacking. Anyhow, I really wish I were laid up somewhere fancier. A place where they gave facials and massages would be nice, but I'd bypass even that to stay here:

Chateau de la Goujeonnerie, a place so magical it's staffed by unicorns. UNICORNS.

Sure it's a little princessy, but I deserve the best... says I.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just blinded by the bling, but I imagine myself having fabulous conversations with mustachioed gentlemen in waistcoats and ladies with fabulous clothes who don't need hairspray and makeup to look good.

Then I would paw all the priceless antiques and finger the lacquered lamps before I retired to bed (which is where I was supposed to be all along... shhhhhhh).

That'll do, pig. That'll do.

Later, buds. Gotta get busy reading bad books and watching terrible tv.

Be well.