Now That it's the Future, Where Should We Sit?

Welcome to the flip side of our decadent, 10-day vacay.  I missed you all dearly, but I have to admit that I did quite enjoy an extra hour to sit on my ass every evening during my sabbatical.  In honor of my recent episode of R & R, I'm bringing you several chairs that I would have loved to park my fanny on over the last two weeks.

Artist Dejana Kabilo covers chairs in hair for her Pretty Pretty Heads series.

While this may not be most ideal for holidays by the fire, and there's a reasonable chance that I would end up in the kitty emergency room after Laser decided to make these locks her Christmas Dinner, I still wouldn't shy away from placing one of Dejana's creepy seats in my home.  Here are a few more:

Only slightly more practical are these chairs from design powerhouse, Lucy and Bart:

Prey-tell, do you suppose that is foam insulation spray wrapped around the legs of that otherwise sad chair?  How do you suppose they create the wonderful shades of turquoise?  I'm guessing airbrush.  What do you think the probability is of me recreating this dapper look for my house?

And on the opposite end of the design spectrum from L & B's voluptuous seats:

The slim and sexy seating of Vladimir Tselser.  I see these as the counter-part to the perspective chair by Pharrell Williams.

The Troll Chair by lop furniture is possibly the most holiday-fire-side-chat friendly of the bunch, and the exposed structure on the underbelly is lovely, but those legs seem like a cop-out.  Of course, the day this baby lands on Craigslist is the same day I get slapped with the world's largest traffic fine for racing across town to grab it.  Afterall, legs are replacable.

So, there you have it, my first post of 2010.  I still have family in town so I'm still on a bit of a mental vaycay, but we here at DC headquarters have big plans for the year, so pick your poison from the above and scoot on up to the screen:  it's going to be a life-changing year to remember.  Probably.