My Dream Life In Pictures

Ok, first things first, I owe a big fat apology to every single one of you for sitting out Monday's post.  We here at DC headquarters went ahead and pretended that the 4th of July was a 4 day weekend and the blog writing suffered without any warning.  We are bad bad horrible people.  Ok, mostly me, Erin had the day off anyway.   I have to admit that today's post is not going to be jam-packed with all the hard hitting wit I usually like to deliver because once again, you kids are getting usurped by my big giant closet project (we finally finished at midnight Monday, but now I'm so so sleepy and can only think of well organized clothes and matching hangers).  However, the meat of this post is still tender and juicy:  I've got some delicious pictures to share with you from a fantastic interior photographer, Paul Costello.  Paul also shoots fashion and lifestyle pictures but since I wear the same thing every day (beret and turtleneck) I just picked a few of my faves from his interiors portfolio.  Strap on your bib and saddle up to the table,  it's going to be a yummy ride.

Interior Shot 1

interior 2

interior 3

interior 4


There are so many amazing elements in each of these rooms that my head is spinning right now... sort of like that giant disco ball in the last picture.  So I'll leave you with this:  I apologize for the lame lame opening paragraphs today, I'll be back in full form Thursday (look for an awesome post from Erin tomorrow).  Until then, I salute you:

interior 6