Laser Light Show: Now in Full Color!

A hoy, hoy, kiddos!  I'm just barely back from the dead as my seemingly never ending sickness is still doing it's best to keep me firmly planted on the couch in front of yet another craptastic TNT marathon.  And maybe a little American Idol action.  It's ok, I only watch audition week, the rest is as lame as this flu I can't shake. Anyhoodle, last weekend Erin and little Ike sensed my misery and sent me a link to this (yes, Ike sent the link too, I have proof):

Egads!!!  The full color laser light show mural was almost enough to defibrillate my weak ass back into action.  I followed the link action Erin and Ike were hooking me up with only to find (wait for it)... more murals!!

Be still my beating heart!  Mad genius Matt W Moore takes LLS magic to a whole new level with his layers of color and distorted perspective.  And you know what, he doesn't just do murals

He has his own typeface (swoon),

A series of surfboards with his art gracing the bottom (who doesn't, right?),

Some sweet t-shirt graphics for clothing line blood is the new black

and, of course, good old fashioned art

who can guess who's bedroom these would look awesome in?  Hint:  it's mine.

But seriously, I'm starting to wonder if the days are just longer in Maine, where Matt is from.  Maybe it's something about all that syrup and lobster that makes him 12,000 times more productive and awesome than us lazy bones here in Texas.  I don't know, but it's really making me need a nap.  Right in front of some reality tv.