Ike's Holiday Lookbook 2010

Despite my oft recounted holidayphobia, I actually put up a tiny tree this year. There are even Christmas lights securely stapled to the front of our house. Thoughtful (I hope) gifts have already been wrapped in pretty paper and mailed off to our beloved recipients -- days in advance, I might add. I'm sure you're thinking, what the bleep has gotten into you, Erin?

Friends, it's not what got into me. It's what came out of me. Behold the reason for the season.

And would you look at that? Like mother, like son.

I'm a pretty lazy photographer, but I try to capture the milestone moments of my handsome little dude's life. This time, though, I think I may have gone overboard. A little.

It's been a long, beautiful year, but all good things must come to an end. And so, Ike and I wish you a very Merry Chrismukkah and a fabulously Happy New Year. The annual DC holiday blogcation is officially in effect, but not to fear. We'll be back next year with more! Of everything! Including Karly!!! Hooray!

So mark your calendars for Monday, January 3. Sure, I may stumble into work a little hungover, but I'll be here.

I hope you'll be here, too.