Baby's First Clustered Art Wall

As you can imagine, the largest decor undertaking in my house right now is la bambino's room.  In fact, I was more stressed about how to decorate it then I was about whether he'd be a boy or a girl (I figured I had no control over that).  Over the last few months I've already picked up quite a few prints that will eventually form the little dude's first cluster art wall.  Don't you just think he's going to be so excited to come home to all this:

Since he's going to be born in the year of the tiger (as was his father, uncle, grandfather, great grandfather and great grandmother) I thought we should pay homage with a few pieces of tiger art.  Note: THIS ROOM IS NOT TIGER THEMED, just tiger friendly.  This print, rock candy, was found by Erin and purchased by me in approximately 2.2 seconds.

Continuing the tiger non-theme I also grabbed this year of the tiger print from the same shop.

And finally, I picked up Tiger Phone from the Two Rabbits Studios booth at the Renegade Craft Fair.

In fact, all the remaining prints were picked up at renegade.  If you have one happening in your area, I highly suggest you go.

Because I am having a wee little baby, I thought I should get a few little-kid friendly prints too.  Not just a bunch of insane tigers.  I grabbed this beep beep bike print from Tad Carpenter.

This 2-part pink monster is also by Tad Carpenter, but unfortunately, I couldn't find it on his site and I think he's sold out.

And because I bought so much at his booth, Tad threw this tiny bird print in for zero dollars.  Thanks, Tad!

Having stocked up on some baby goodies, I felt like I could return to my crazy art comfort zone.  I bought this Will Bryant print at the Public School booth.

And finally, because babies go goo goo ga ga over black and white prints, stimulating their little brains straight into mensa, I picked up this crazy eye print for the little dude.

Don't be scared if you feel like some of these don't go together, remember we have several walls to work with here.  Anything that doesn't make the baby's room cut will land in my office, but overall I'm feeling good.  I think he's just going to swoon when he comes home!