Where's Waldo: Badass Lamp Edition

Hey All, it's Karly!  I've come out from under the demolished-kitchen-shaped rock from which I've been hiding under to seek your renovation assistance.  Since I'm standing knee-deep in rubble over here and icky dust has settled in my brain, I'm having a hard time finding the light I'm lusting after at an affordable price.  But I know I can.  Despite the mess crumbling down around me I still hold strong to my motto:  I will buy it for half the price.  Also to my other motto:  no more horses. So, can you help me or what?

I'm looking for a light sorta-kinda like this one.  It's baby brother.  A wee bit shorter.  I have a very large window over my sink and want to mount a light like this on the wall beside it.  For less than $1,000,000 ok, less than $1,000.  who are we kidding, less than $10.

Certainly not $2,700, otherwise I would buy this:

Yes, this Serge Mouille light would do the trick if only it were (say it with me now) half of half of half of the price.  half it again.  yep, that should do it.

So, any ideas on where I can find something similar with a nice wingspan?  3 feet would be amazing.  okthanksbye