Woolly Pocket Giveaway + My Fancy Guest Post

Summertime gives me a naturegasm. With all the lush verdure, I sometimes feel like I can hear things growing, and it's good to be filled with a sense of purposeful renewal. That's why I'm so excited the nice folks at Woolly Pocket are sponsoring a GIVEAWAY for us, plus I'm guest posting over at their blog today. How's that for cross pollination? Now, what the bleep is a Woolly Pocket, you may ask? Friends, prepare to be amazed.

Woolly Pockets are gardening systems that can be used indoors or out. They're made from recycled materials formed into flexible, breathable pouches that have a moisture barrier so you can hang them on walls or set them right on your more delicate furnishings. All you have to do is add soil, plants, and water, and then -- blammo! Instant garden. You can read more about the how tos right here.

Wally is a modular, wall hung pocket that can be used outside to build a vertical garden, creating a cool oasis (ok, a pool helps, too).

Or Wally can be used inside to recycle all that dirty carbon dioxide you've been shuffling around.

Wally is space saving and maximizes moisture, so you don't have to water 1000x times a day.

Here are two Wally pockets placed side by side in the kitchen, where they're being used to grow all sorts of yummy edibles. Brilliant idea for those of us with small outdoor spaces, or poor growing conditions (hello, Austin!).

You know you want to try a Wally on for size, and today is your lucky day! We're giving away one lined Wally pocket in peacock blue, so you can use him indoors or out. All you have to do is leave a comment by 12 noon CST on Sunday the 13th for a chance to win. Due to shipping constraints, I'm afraid this contest is open to US residents only. The winner will be announced on Monday the 14th, so tune in to see if it's you... it might be.

Now I hope that you'll all hop over to the Woolly Pocket blog where I've written up a little guest post that includes lots of images designed to inspire you to get busy gardening, indoor style. You know you want to go to there, so what are you waiting for?

Go! Now!

But leave a comment first, ok?

Thomas Paul Pillow Giveaway: Name This Horsey!

That's right, my thoroughbred friends -- we've got an equestrian themed GIVEAWAY in honor of Karly's sold out edition of Horsey prints! This one comes courtesy of the fine folks at CSN Stores, who sell everything from bathroom vanities to Knoll and Kartell housewares through their mammoth collection of 200+ stores. I'm sure you can imagine that sifting through 489,654 items before selecting La Horsey was quite the sweaty herculean task, but it's ok. Don't worry about me. Everything I do, I do it for you. Now that I've drummed up an appropriate amount of sympathy and lodged a ridiculous Bryan Adams tune in your collective head, let's move on to the good stuff!

Just look at those sweet baleful eyes... who wouldn't want to give this little guy (or gal) a good home?

Measuring a substantial 22 x 22 inches square, our equine friend is hand screened with java colored ink onto jute, finished with leather piping, and stuffed silly -- because no one wants a skinny pony. Our lucky winner can display him (or her) whether they be old money or poorgeoisie -- this pillow has legs. Somewhere.

The Brass Tacks: Enter to win this FREE Thomas Paul pillow, valued at $80, by naming the horsey in the comment box below. That's right -- all you have to do is NAME THIS HORSEY to win a FREE Thomas Paul pillow. You have until Sunday, May 30, at 12 noon CST, to leave your comment below. A random number generator will choose the winner, who will be announced on Memorial Day, Monday the 31st. Sorry, due to shipping constraints, this contest is only open to US and Canadian residents. Please enter only once, but feel free to tell your friends and neighbors, announce this contest on facebook, and tweetaleet all about this bizness. We're looking forward to some excellent names, the best of which will be announced along with the winner, because bragging rights are almost as good as a free pillow right? Right?

Now saddle up and get cracking. Yee haw!

Good News & Bad News

Good Tuesday All! I've got exciting news: Poketo give away winners are listed below; and lame news: computer problems big time. See, I was actually trying to be a proactive blogger by installing a wordpress update, somehow amidst all the fancy code my computer and my server stopped talking to each other and now I can't get any work done in blogland or otherwise. Whant whant whant. So, my mac is in the shop and I'm relegated to shamefully using my husband's yucky PC, which has (gasp!!!!) NO BOOKMARKED PICTURES OF PRETTY HOUSES. It sucks to say the least and now you dudes have to pay the price by reading this short post.

HOWEVER!!!!! These 3 people should be mighty excited:
#31 Anita
#8 Connie
#17 Alma

I know that a couple of these winners are frequent commenters but I want everyone to know that these were the true random number generator results and I actually thought long and hard about spinning the wheel again lest you dudes would think there was funny business going on. I decided that I best not tempt fate and that hopefully you trust a gal who's been bringing you daily love for 2 years now. Right?

For those of you the random number generator didn't pick, you can still grab a recycled tote at Poketo here.

And just because I love you all dearly, here's a picture of my new fantasy wallpaper. I've been dreaming of this ever since Nelya posted it at head over heels last week:

stay tuned for a guest post tomorrow...and praise the lord you don't have to sit through another miserable day of me using Matt's computer. All should be well by Thursday where I maybe maybe will show you some pics of my backyard remodel.